• Just wanted to drop you line to express thanks for my wonderful makeover experience! You made me feel most welcoming and l loved my makeup and I felt absolutely fantastic for the whole day! Thanks again x


  • Birute, thank you very much for the amazing make up for Valentine’s Day. Both my boyfriend and my housemate complimented me by saying that I was gorgeous. I had a great time and the make-up lasted all day.


  • Birute put me at ease for the makeover with her positive attitude. I was really pleased with the results. It’s inspired me to try different colours and looks, making me much more confident in what suits me. I would highly recommend Birute.


  • My mother and I had a makeover session with Birute. She was professional, came with a wide variety of products and was able to give us lots of useful make up tips. The end result was amazing and we were both extremely pleased with our looks. She was friendly and made us feel comfortable. The eyelashes she used were especially flattering and applied quickly and effortlessly. We would definitely recommend her.


  • When I went to Birute for a makeup trial I was a bit nervous as I had never done anything like that before. She instantly made me feel relaxed and at ease. Birute talked about the makeup and what she was using, she had a great knowledge of the products which made me feel confident. She came across very passionate, professional and I look forward to working with her again. I hope to book her for my wedding!


  • Dear Birute, I want to say thank you for doing my makeup. You did an amazing job and you made me feel young and beautiful again. I had lots of fun with you and this makeover changed my perspective with makeup. Thank you and I can’t wait to get my makeup done with you again, I would highly recommend you.
